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At work and daily life, in the process of production and consumption of goods and services, each of us need trust.


We trust this master servicing our favorite car or computer, full of information, we entrust the treatment tooth to our favorite dentist and prefer to buy things of those brands whose quality we trust.


Likewise, we choose the law firm, which experts we can confidently tell about our problems, knowing that they are in the capable hands of professionals who know how to keep secrets.


Business center “Law and Business " is a small team of experienced, well-organized, mobile professionals, possessing deep knowledge and understanding of legislation, investment and business practices in Ukraine; corporate, financial and commercial disputes in civil and administrative relations.


For over 10 years we care about the rights and legitimate interests of our clients.


Save your reputation of reliable partner and a respected person is our main mission.

Бизнес центр «Право и дело» © 2010
г. Киев
ул. Резницкая 8, к.56
+38 044 453-06-32
+38 099 52-11-7-11